DEHN protects gas pipelines
DEHN protegge l'industria del gas

Lightning and surge protection for pipelines

Prevent damage, keep interference voltage under control

Pipelines often run alongside high-voltage lines or railway lines. If they run parallel over longer distances, external voltages can have a negative effect on pipelines causing wear and tear and thus corrosion damage.

How to protect pipelines from being damaged

Passive corrosion protection

Passive corrosion protection, i.e. painting or coating the pipeline, is the first step. However, this alone does not suffice as even small imperfections in the coating soon lead to local corrosion on the pipeline. Achieve a greater degree of safety with active corrosion protection.

Active corrosion protection

Cathodic corrosion protection is the most effective method of stopping electrochemical corrosion processes. A protective current (direct current) prevents current from escaping at the gaps in the coating or sheathing.

The Voltage Controlled Smart Decoupling Device, VCSD, is specially designed for cathodic corrosion protection. It also protects people, devices and components against temporary and stationary overvoltages.


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